18 May 2010

…I know I can stop the hunger if I will the other way.

Stats: 129.6lbs

Then I see you standing there in the mirror, wanting more from me, and all I can do is try.

I remember when I said goodbye to the way of life I thought I had designed for me. And I ran away. Can't do that anymore though.

I ate again yesterday.

The Boyfriend asked me to compute his BMI, last weekend. 26.4. He said (I’m quoting) “Who cares, I’m not fat anyway. It’s all muscles”.
No kidding, he believes that.

I’m going out with the guys tonight. Steve and Mick for sure, maybe Maryse, maybe Alvaro, we’ll see.
Getting drunk for sure.

As the YaYa sisters said: Smoke, drink and DON’T THINK
I love you girls. Your comments make me stronger. You are beautiful

1 comment:

a werewolf said...

hey there lovely! i didn't even know you were here! don't worry, though. now i do.

ancora's brother read her blog title so she went into damage control. she'll come back sometime but with a new title and a new url.

hopefully. unless she decides she's satisfied in life.

that never happens.
