28 June 2010


Most sporty weekend ever

I spent HOURS swimming with Bro’s kids on my back or on my shoulders, hours carryign both of them around the lake with my (one place) kayak.

I spent HOURS making love to Boyfriend

And hours eating and drinking white wine, gulp!

I don't know how much I gained, I'll weight myself tomorrow morning.

Long story short: I’m fasting. I started this morning, and will try to go on until Friday night/Saturday morning.

And while fasting, I’ll keep the lovely Marcus on my mind. Stay strong dear friend.


Anonymous said...

Lucy, you are so great! Each lovely comment of you brings back a little smile on my face. Thank you!
I bet you didn't gained, after THAT much of sport?! And even if tomorrow morning you realize you gained, it will be gone real quick when you go through with the fast! You can do this! :)

ancora said...

Good luck! You rock and that weekend sounds like so much funn. Bleh I'm gonna fast in school holidays. Make me fast! I have to stop having these long absenceses.. anywho.

Matilda Bonnet said...

Great! :D Good luck honey! Stay strong :D