30 April 2010


Stats: 128.3 lbs
In short, I’m a hopeless whale.

But there’s more to it.
Alejandro is coming over tonight.
Alejandro (who is certainly not to be confused with the Boyfriend) has been my huh, buddy with benefit, from, huh, ahem (this IS embarrassing)… 2003.
Well, I first met him in 2001, but we first kissed (and soon after had sex) in 2003. Back then, he was engaged, and I developed a HUGE crush on him. We were neighbor, and kind of had the most amazing sex ever every night. LOL.
Then I moved on, we lost touch for a couple of months, and finally became really good friend who occasionally (read: every time I’m single (and a few time when I was NOT single, even though I can’t believe I’m confessing that)) sleep together. Because, while our relationship evolved, I’ll never find a better match than Alejandro for what concerns the sack. Oh, just for the records, he never got married (I don’t sleep with married men, although I may do an exception for Alejandro LOL).

But my real point is, Alejandro is well built, muscled and thin (even though a bit short, but still hot). More important, Alejandro likes skinny bitches. The only time he ever told me I needed to stop losing weight, well, I was down to 100lbs, and I must admit my face indeed looked worn. My BMI was somewhere around 13.
Besides that episode, the skinnier I am, the more he can’t keep his hands off from me. And since I’m a bitch, I want him to be all over me even when I’m not going to have sex with him (like today, because hey, I’m in a serious relationship, right?).

So I shall see Alejandro tonight. And I have fat hanging to my bootie like a baby monkey to its mother. Shit.


Matilda Bonnet said...

Lol! If you and him hove so much chemistry why haven't you gotten together?!? Hmmmm, good luck. Try your hardest not to do anything reckless. Remember, you have a serious relationship! :D

Lucy's Shadow said...

haha nothing happened, don't worry.

Alejandro and I have a strong chemistry a beautiful friendship, but ultimatly no desire of being boyfriend and girlfriend. Weird, I know...

Oh, and can you give me more detail about the lemonade diet please?
thank you so much

Matilda Bonnet said...

Hahaha, good. You're a good girlfriend ;). & yeah, weeird... having chemistry but not in the mood to get together. Only time will tell right? Hehe

Lemonade diet: Nads said It's basically nothing but a lemonade made of water, fresh lemon juice, cayenne pepper and marble sirup and you have 6 + glasses per day. for a weak or so. :)