22 April 2010


Last night I binged. Again.

And I’m taking so many medicines, I cannot even consider purging or laxies, because I wouldn’t know which medicines I’ve absorbed and which ones I’ve expelled.


I’m being hypochondriac.

I’m usually a very healthy person, the only exception being my allergies (that often bring me to stuff my face with cortisone in spring, which of course makes me FAT, but we’ll get to that in another post).

I’ve been having bronchitis over the last twelve days, and it’s getting worse. I’ve taken two whole cycles of antibiotics, liters of syrup, aspirin, whatever, you name it, I’ve tried it.
I cannot stop coughing.

It is so bad, yesterday I was sent home from work, because the others couldn’t concentrate due to my cough. Granted, this only happened because it was a very slow day at work, but do I give the idea of the situation?

I am a huge fan of In Treatment. Has anyone seen the second season? With the girl who couldn’t stop coughing and she has stage 3 cancer at her lungs?

I KNOW I just have bronchitis (my father started coughing exactly 48 hours before I did, and he’s still ill as well), but I just can’t stand it anymore. My head aches, my back aches, I haven’t slept in days, my lungs ache, all because I keep fucking coughing!

So these are my poor excuses for having indulged in 3 disgusting cookies with Nutella last night.

Still 130 lbs this morning.

I had a light breakfast, and I shall try to only have soup today and tomorrow.

Stay strong!

1 comment:

Miss Burton said...

oh my dearest dd.
sucks doesnt it? bronchitis? Same here. I cough all the time, sometimes for months, and i used to never ever have a cold.
well the only thing you can do is wait until it's all better.
:) hopefully it will be soon!