At almost 28, there is one thing I wish more than anything else.
Getting back to the 105lbs I weighted when I was 18.
I'm 5'57 tall. I used to have a body that ROCKED.
Yeah, this was my body.
The main issue is, I cannot possibly cut junk food.
Because I don't eat junk food. I'm vegetarian, don't do fast food, but crave typical Italian food, such as a good diish of pasta with plenty of vegetables.
Furthermore, I work hard, and long hours. Yeah, I'm a damned workaholic. And even though I want to be thin more than anything else, I cannot afford losing my job. I work in the M&A consulting, and it's a tough world.
I also exercise a lot. Well, a lot if you consider how many hours I work.
And now, the moment of the truth.
I'm currently 130 lbs
BMI: 20.7
My first goal is, by May 20, dropping 10lbs
Wish me luck lovelies!
Yaaay DD!
First comment. HOw good is that?
10 lbs is achievable. very much. And you'll do it. Okay, WE'll do it. because I joined the 130 circle. Yep.
Goooood luck! :)
Lovely new blog btw!
oh and ...
your body really did rock!
Wow!!! Great body you had :) And you'll be back to that. I'm with you too. By may 20. I want to be 125 at leassst! :D Good luck
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