07 July 2010


I did not manage to fast on Monday (friend came over for dinner… ugh), but I did fast yesterday and I’m going on today. 122lbs this morning, before hitting the gym for a long overdue 500kcals burning session. Man it felt good.

Also, I have very long, slightly curly hair that lately I always blow dry straight (until 2 months ago or so, I never used to blow dry it). Now that I finally fully manage the technique (17 minutes from stepping out of the shower to having dry, straightish waist-long blond hair), I’m considering slightly scaling it. A bit like Niki from Heroes, do you remember her looks in Season 1?

Something like this (although my hair is a bit darker).

Anyway, I know you have opinions about the Boyfriend / Steve debacle.

In first place, consider this: when Boyfriend moves here, his friends will stay in France. I mean his “lady-friends” from work. And we lived together for two years and things were good. So I’m hoping that things will be good again. IF things don’t work out (with all the living together again), we’ll split. But right now, I’d be an awful bitch. After all, he’s going to leave his life, work and friends behind and he’s moving to a new country just for me.

I saw Steve last night… I think we’re good. I mean, Steve’s not in love with me. Sure, he has feelings for me, but let’s consider these point: (i) he only tries to kiss me when drunk, (ii) he hooked up with a girl from Brazil while in Greece and (iii) Steve’s probably leaving the country for two years or so starting next November.

Yet, he remains my rock. Work would be (will be?) totally unbearable without him. Outside work, I would feel way more lonely if we didn’t spend half of our evenings hanging out together.

Last night we had a beer at the corner, then he walked me home. I hugged him and asked if he wanted to come upstairs, although he totally understood it was a friendly (and not sexy) offer. So he hugged me back and said he wanted to go home because he was tired. I checked a little later that he was home and safe (Steve’s known for getting lost at ten meters from his place, at least here in the city), said goodnight and went to sleep. That’s what a best friend does. That’s what I want.

Last but not least: what happened to Bella from Return of the Wolves? Her blog is missing and I’m kinda worried.

I love you all, skinnies


ancora said...

Ah good. With Steve and bf it sounds like it'll be ok.

And I have Bella on facebook, and she appears to be happily in New Caladonia on a school trip. Apparently people like her hair. So maybe she changed it. Anywho.

I sent her a message a while ago but she didn't reply

Melissa said...

Hopefully, things will be ok.
Stupid "lady-friends" they piss me off.
I'm glad things are going ok with Steve.
stay strong!

Rachel said...

Thank you for your beautiful comment and the tips, I would try them but the weather is preventing me. I mean it's July and for the past 3 days we have had gale force winds. Uh I will just have to exercise in the house then lie beside the radiator, hehe.
Thank you again, I hope your situation resovles itself. Steve seems like a really good guy, like a best friend, I hope things get sorted.

Ana's Girl said...

I hope it all works out for you, hunny. I just wanna see you be happy.

Matilda Bonnet said...

"lady-friends"? More like bitch-slutty-friends? Haha, sorry about that! :S

Maybe he just tries to kiss you when he's drunk cause he doesn't have the guts to do it when he's sober! haha