06 July 2020

Of hamsters and men

Now nonsense isn't new to me
the movies had that movie thing
But mischief knocked me in the knees
said: Just let go, just let go

(REM - Monty got a raw deal)

I'm pretty sure the Robo hamster female ("Meatball") is pregnant.

I, on the other side, seem to have all pregnancy related issues, but for the real thing.
Morning sickness? check
Head spinning? check
Fat? check
Back ache? check
Low energy? check
Weird dreams? check.

IT is quite impossible here to have a rescue place for small creatures like hamsters - we have lot for dogs and cats but I'm afraid Meatball and babies would not fit in well..
I'll probably be able to have a pet shop take them at the end of August, but not before. Husband is NOT happy about this...

Meanwhile, thing continue to be a bit awful. I work and work and work and am submerged by anxiety.
At this point, I am aware that any decision taken now would not be rationale.
What I really hope is to manage to take 10 days truly off in August and to regain sufficient mental balance to think about next steps. Or get pregnant, which would simply allow me to sit down, work a reasonable amount with possibly no bonus, and postpone any decision by 18 months.

Just to add a bit more stress, husband suddenly wants to quit his job. And leave me to be the breadwinner? awesome. Ok this is badly unfair from me, I just wanted to vent.


Bathwater said...

It does sound like you are under a lot of stress. Getting pregnant right now does not sound like a good idea but hey, it could bring you joy.. if you allow it. I still believe you should not allow work to stress you so much.

Jeune et jolie said...

Maybe you could try getting pregnant during your vacation in August? It doesn't seem like planning a pregnancy right now is a good idea. Don't let life overwhelm you.

Anonymous said...

I vote get pregnant asap! This work thing has been making you down for so long. Your husband will bw happy and change his tune. your mother will also be ecstatic. I say all this with love.xoxox