29 June 2011

On Scarsdale

Previously of Waiting for the Miracle

It seems that my family is determined to spend most of their spare time telling me how fat I've become. This is even more weird given the fact they keep stuffing my face with food whenever I'm at the Parents' place. The Panther (aka Mom, who, FYI, is overweight) keeps bugging me, then comes up with healthy plans such as:
- having dinner at 11.30PM on Saturday
- Sunday lunch: fried pumpkin flowers (about 10 each), homemade mayo (about a lot too much each).

The only exception to this is Bro, who as always is skinny as a bitch, but who thinks a BMI between 21 and 22 is nobody's business but mine. I love Bro: he understands and never ever criticizes when I'm fasting, and he doesn't bug me when I'm fat.

As much as it may hurt my feelings, the parents are right. I look horrible.
Since nothing else seems to work, I have decided to (temporarily) give up my principles. I've been vegetarian over the last 6 years, but I'm going on Scarsdale diet.
Started yesterday, am loosing already, but let's also keep in mind yesterday I've hit the gym twice (yeah, 2 times), burning over 1000kcals only on cardio.

In the meanwhile, I won't be at the Parents' place for two weeks, so I really hope to drop enough to shut them up by the time I'll go there. So, scarsdale.
Start weight: 138lbs / 62.6kg (BMI: 21.9) (shame on me)
Day 2: 136.5lbs /61.9kg (BMI: 21.7) (still disgusting)

14 days Goal: 120lbs / 54.5kg (BMI: 19.1) (a little bit better, still far from my ideal weight of 110lbs or 50kg)

(oh, and let's be honest, 99lbs / 45kg would be even better)

I really hope this Scarsdale thing works.
Love you lots


Peridot (G+P) said...

Your Mum sounds like a fucking tosser.

She'll be wanking on at you to lose but sabotaging you at the same time. Mine does that too -.- (Lol, middle aged spread. Bitch be jealous!)

Love you <3

Ana's Girl said...

Oh i hate it when people do that. They tell you (or at least hint to you) that you weigh too much and then try to stuff all sorts of bad things into you to make you weigh even more. It's so frustrating... Hope you can get past them. But who am i kidding, we both know you're strong enough to do so!

Anonymous said...

How's the scarsdale thing working? Haven't heard of it before... does it include eating meat?

Stay strong, lovely, and don't let those comments from your family disrupt you! xoxo

Anonymous said...

thanks for wishing me luck <3
hope everythings fine!