21 June 2011

Another phone call

The Panther (aka Mom) "There's something I need to tell you"
Lucy "Sure what's up?"
The Panther "I met G, you know, my friend?"
Lucy "Sure, I saw him on Saturday night by the way"
The Panther "Yeah well, he told me he saw you, and he noticed how fat you've become"

anyway, I love this clip
and I love you all



Thana said...

Non avrebbe dovuto dirti una cosa del genere, non ne ha il diritto...

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I don't mean to insult your mom or her friend, but... WHAT? How on earth can someone call somebody "fat" when theyre weighing like.. 60kg? I don't get it... You're everything BUT fat, lovely. Don't listen to them, lucy..

Peridot (G+P) said...

That video was awesome and made me cry so hard. The chorus is pretty much dedicated to everyone in my life.

This is old, but by 'carido all year' I meant that I'd done my first cardiovascular exercise for the year. As in I've only been doing weights up to now because of my sodding knee. I'm so out of shape for cardio, it kills me. 15mins at a time, trying to remember to NOT OVEREXTEND MY KNEES and not lock the joints out on each stride. That was where I was going wrong. I can now walk up stairs without my knee clicking on each stride :D

Hope you're well. Love you! <3

Thana said...

Ciao Lucy, ho consultato monster.it, ho compilato il curriculum secondo il modello esposto lì, proverò a dare più con calma un'occhiata agli annunci! Grazie dell'aiuto, l'ho molto apprezzato..*Ti abbraccio forte*

Thana said...

Riciao Lucy! ^-^
Vivo a due ore di treno da Milano, ma per il momento non vorrei dover cambiare città per lavorare, piuttosto ci vorrei venire per visitare il museo del '900! ^-^
Ce ne sono molti altri di interessanti e l'estate mi fa venire voglia di arte! ^-^
*Ti abbraccio forte e un grazie grandissimo per tutto il sostegno che mi dai!*