13 September 2010


I'm almost 125 lbs. BMI 19.82
Fuck me.

I kinda look pregnant.

I hate myself.

It's just... I am so sad, I feel so hopeless, I can't stop indulging.
I know, that's not a good excuse.

Forgive me. I'll get better, I promise.


Thana said...

Promettere a volte è distruttivo cara Lucy...abbracciarsi invece ristora il cuore.
Per mia fortuna non vado più alle superiori, quindi oggi niente scuola,
in compenso oggi ho consegnato la tesi del triennio in segreteria ed ero in perfetto orario e avevo tutto in regola, non mancava niente.(mi sono regalata questo! )
Ho preso molta pioggia, ma mi mette il buon umore quindi diciamo che anche il cielo mi ha fatto un regalo oggi! (:
Resisti mi raccomando e amati soprattutto, perdonati e non tradirti, in questo modo non ti punirai, ma nemmeno sgarrerai.
Ti abbraccio <3

Peridot (G+P) said...

I'm allergic to mushrooms, you can have mine :) They are good in casseroles and fried on top of steak, apparently >.< Cook yourself up a nice vegetarian casserole with lots of yummy spices and indulge in moderation.

Don't bash yourself up. Feeling like shit all the time isn't fun.

Matilda Bonnet said...

Lucyyyyy! DON'T GIVE UP. :(
Please try to smile. Peridot it so right, feeling like shit all the time isn't fun. I know it's hard but you gotta keep your head up high!

You're gonna make it through. Go out, take a walk, go swim, read a good book, drink tea, dance! But please don't bum out.

I love you!!! Know that even we're oceans apart, i'm here for you. Okay? :)

Thana said...

Ciao Lucy,
ti riscrivo qui,
come stai?
Non sai che sollievo ieri guardare tutti quei bei vestiti e pensare ''posso provare quello che voglio''!
Mi sa che smetterò anch'io di ascoltare i ''sei magra, sei grassa'', perché solo la bilancia parla davvero.
Oggi sono 47 e 1/2, se rimango a digiuno fino a domani, forse ci arrivo a 47! (:

Un abbraccio

Anonymous said...

lucy, don't be too hard on yourself. You're going through a hard time with steve and everything... it's only human you can't focus on EVERYthing. right now the food stuff just has to come second. how bout you lock your scale away for a couple of days and just for a little while try to not think about all this and get all the other things that are on your mind sorted out first. and after that you can start with new energy. (:

Ana's Girl said...

A 19.8 BMI is still really, really good, and i'm not just saying that to make you feel better. It's the truth. You're not hopeless or bad in any way. Hang in there and remember that you are loved.

Matilda Bonnet said...

Lucy honey. Where are you?
I hope you're feeling better. Remember i'm here for you, okay? Love you girl!

Thana said...

Grazie dell'incoraggiamento cara,
è reciproco!
Impegnarsi da molte soddisfazioni! (:

Ti abbraccio forte