04 August 2010

WTF Wednesday

Let's start on a good note: I'm back to 119lbs, AND I got laid.
Yeah, last night Steve and I hung out like old times at our local pub, drank some beer, chatted, went back to my place, I made ice shaked coffee (typical Italian stuff), we started making out in total relax, and somehow... we got to the point. Finally!

On a less positive note, I attended a work meeting today that ended in a business lunch. So I simply had to eat and break the fast.
I'm really really sorry. I wasn't even hungry. Fuck work. However, I'm not going to eat again until Saturday at lunch.

Sorry this post sucks, I gotta go back at work!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the lay (;. And sorry about breaking the fast! Shit happens!

xo Chloe

Peridot (G+P) said...

ZOMG that popto of you is totally amazing! (I was honestly wondering who the swimsuit model was!

UFCK YEAH for getting laid! ^.^ Stupid Irma ruined my plans for last night >:( Next week. . . XD

xoxo, don't work too hard! :p

Peridot (G+P) said...

Lol yup, I won't be touching sprinkles again!

As soon as I can associate cream fillings with pus and infected matter there will be NO MORE DOUGHNUTS FOR ME EVAAAAAARR!


Have an amazing day, take care, ok?


Matilda Bonnet said...

HAHA AWESOMEE!!! :D I'm really liking the Steve-Lucy relationship! :D So cute