03 January 2022

a daytrip that was easier than expected

 A family friend had dinner with the Parents on New Year's Eve, and texted me on the following day. I asked her how did she think my Mom was faring, and  the answer was not that well.

Between that and the fact that they're starting to reinforce lockdown measures today, I decided for a day trip at the lake yesterday, and drove there in the morning.

I don't know what I was expecting, but perhaps I did the right thing? Mother as happy to get to spend a couple hours with me, she vented about Granny live-in aid (as she always does), but overall she seemed happy to see me. We went together to see Granny, who has no clue of who I am, but was a bit more lucid than usual, and at some point emerged from her torpor and told my Mom "thank you for taking care of me, you are so good". This meant a lot to Mom, and with all the effort she's putting in taking care of Granny, I was so happy she got this at least.

So overall, it was tiring, but I'm happy I went.

Tomorrow we're getting the PCR Covid test (necessary to go to Maldives) - we both took a quick test yesterday (negative) so hopefully it should be okay... but you never really know, more than half of the people I know with 3 doses are still positive... fingers crossed!


Bathwater said...

Yes, at this point I know too many people around me testing positive regardless of their status. We will all get it eventually. the question is how prepared we are. I hope you enjoy Maldives. You cannot blame the old for their shortcoming at the end. It is not what they desire.

Lucy's Shadow said...

Thanks guys for your comments!
We both tested negative and are leaving tomorrow. I'll share pics!
Sadly, Granny is deteriorating and is now delirious (she spends half of the day screaming for help). Of course we do not blame her, but we all feel very sorry because it definitely means she's not well, at least in her mind, and it's very hard also for my mom. I think she'll try to find if she can be given some anxiety suppressant to help her feel better.

And Shelby, I'm sorry to hear you are feeling this way - I think it would surprise you to find out how glamourous and cool Queensland sounds to an Italian - it's usually considered the dream honeymoon by many! Personally I'd love to visit, but I really have a hard time with the idea of such a long flight (this would be especially hard on my husband who really doesn't like planes and is a big guy)

You guys stay safe, I'll post in 10 days or so!!