09 June 2020

I agree. Unless, only partly

Blak lives matter.
I totally agree.
The US need to change a lot of things, in my opinion.

But frankly, guys, the US have a problem with their police.

My country does not have this kind of problem.

So why is everyone manifesting for black lives matter, and no one cares about this?

Of course black lives matter. Children matter even more, I think. Child slavery, child abuse and child torture and killing - shouldn't these be a major global issue?

Dear USA people, forgive me, but the solution for your issue is so basic it does not need big brains: spend less in arming and more in schools. Help poor people getting access to a better education, and don't allow any dick going around with a gun.

Philip Roth said something on the lines of "All I have to defend myself is the alphabet; it is what was given to me in lieu of a gun"


Bathwater said...

Lucy you do not live in our country. Yes we have a lot of issues. We preach equality and the US being a place where anyone can be successful but the reality is that black people have been systemically marginalized and discriminated against since slavery.

They have the right to be mad and demand change. They have been fighting this battle for 100 years and few things have change for them. The problem is deeper than the police. The US has routinely excluded blacks from better housing, better schools and better jobs. They cannot just get ahead because they desire to do it. They must fight an uphill battle.

Our country has many flaws but it has not taken away the right for people to protest for change. Child abuse is awful but it is hard for people to care for children half way around the world when their own children are dying.

I hope you are doing well. Today is my first day back in the office.

Lucy's Shadow said...

Oh Bath, but I agree you should protest, you should fight for this.
But my country has big issues right now. If our parliament stops to discuss the US racial issues, it really means we're fucked up.
Because either we start addressing all the issues of the world (in which case dying kids are n 1), either we focus on our personal fuck-ups, which trust me, are plenty and big!

You see, I totally agree with everything behind black lives matter. I just disagree with my country politician, and often people...

Today was my first day in the office too :-) But I practically had to beg to have the right to go, and I'm only allowed twice a week until December. I miss my team...

Bathwater said...

I agree this probably should not be an issue in your country. I miss socializing at work also but no one wants to get out of their office. There is no going to lunch, it is not the same and in many ways it is more depressing.

I hope it gets better for you. I think this whole year is going to be written off as a bad experience. we just don't know how lucky we are. We are not living through a World War.

Anonymous said...

I agree lucy.
Hope life is getting back to normal.
Can't wait to visit Italy again one day. Plan to bring my partner, who has never been. Xoxoxo