the promotion.
After two years of sacrifices, I seriously thought I would be the one to make it.
Clearly, I'm not good enough.
the promotion.
After two years of sacrifices, I seriously thought I would be the one to make it.
Clearly, I'm not good enough.
Ugh, I'm so sorry you didn't get it. Their loss.
My guess is that it has everything to do with internal politics and not much to do with you as an employee.
Hang in there.
Mi dispiace tanto..ma è proprio in questi momenti che dobbiamo amarci di più..
Ti sono vicina
Clearly, your bosses are FUCKING IDIOTS.
If you need a cuppa, I'm here.
Thank you for the compliment ^.^ I'm still way behind where I was hoop-skill wise but I can get back there. If you think that was good, you should see what some of the circos can do!
Awww, thank you love *hugs* I train in baggy clothes so it's easier to move and I don't have to see myself, and it's good to hear that others can see what I can't. Stupid eyes go for what is WRONG instead of what is RIGHT.
Love you so so so much *hugs again*
Chin up lady. If they don't recognise your strengths then some other company will. Maybe it's time to look elsewhere. :) Xo
I'm glad you're still here. I've missed you. How have you been? I need to get caught up on your blog.
Im sorry you didnt get the promotions. Its not because youre not good enough. Usually with things like this the ones who most deserve it are the ones who miss out. I hope you're ok.
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