09 January 2012

Civil War - part II

What we've got here is failure to communicate.
some men, you just can't reach..

Wolverine has put his 2 weeks. He's leaving. My boss is leaving and I'll be damned, for now nobody's gonna stand up for me when promotion time comes, or when salary raise time comes and so on. The whole team I devoted myself to over the last 12 months has left!!!
And he didn't even warn me. I thought we were friends, I really did.

(all these dreams are swept aside)

In the meanwhile, I spent 4 consecutive days stuffing my face with food, proceeded weighting myself this morning, proceeded choking when the scale showed up 137.1lbs, proceeded hitting the gym and running 10km (6miles) at a good pace, and then here at work. UGH. My life needs improvement.

I hope you're all doing good!


Peridot (G+P) said...

Ugh, what an asshole. He was either thinking only of himself and covering his own ass, or was trying to protect you with ignorance. (This kind of shenanigan is why I HATE the idea of working for big business)

Guys are more able than women to separate work-life and social-life. It's how they're wired, how we're wired. Really stupid.

Are you ok? (Silly question, but I had to ask)


Thana said...

Leggerti tiene in allenamento il mio inglese! ^-^
Mi dispiace per il lavoro, ma il tuo capo se n'è andato in che senso? Cioè pensavi che foste amici, ma poi ti ha piantato in asso? Mi dispiace che tu non riesca a trovare soddisfazione in questo lavoro. In ogni caso con tutto l'esercizio fisico che hai fatto, mi pare che almeno in quel lato stia andando bene, no? La vita purtroppo è così altalenante a volte, ma serve solo a tenere allenati i tuoi riflessi e ad essere pronta ad ogni evenienza! ^-^
*Ti tengo stretta stretta cara ombra* <3

Miss Burton said...

I still dont get the wolverine-relationship and i really have no idea what to make of him but maybe he really isn't an arse for not warning you - i mean it's not your job, you know? your desk and your chair, they are not empty - but his.

maybe he really wasn't thinking about it.

stop stuffing your face, girl!
but running 10 km ... fuck. you're good.

you made me jealous. I'll do that next time i'm at the gym.
thank you for that :)

Peridot (G+P) said...


I had a double chin when I was an overweight teen, and it haunts me to this day. I don't have the typical pointy girly jawline&chin, so I see double chin in EVERYTHING, even if its just neck.

OMG those people bug the hell out of me too. Like those who don't go vote and then feel entitled to bitch about politics. YOU DIDN'T VOTE, YOU'RE NOT AN ANARCHIST. STFU! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE, lol!

Oooooooh I'm enjoying the rain today! We needed it, and we'll need more later. If we don't get it there will be water rationing AND massive power price hikes this winter. (We run on hydro power as a country and the lakes are looking low)

1kg that fast? There must have been a bit of water weight there fucking with you! Any way it would have been great seeing it go :) I'm still stuck in fatass land, and I HATE IT. Stupid work gets in the way of my more fucked-up behaviours, so I'm stuck eating for fuel and hating it. Gah.

Hope you're well. Take care, ok?
