08 June 2022


 Things are mostly okayish.

I'm working so hard I don't really have time to feel tired. I almost freaked out during the 3 days in Corfù with Mom - she has become so high maintenance... and sometimes I cannot stand her way of being tight with money. I'm not a big money waster frankly, but I do not see the point in saving 50 Euros if it means taking a bus with no AC that will take 2 hours (plus one extra waiting hours) when I can afford an Uber that will make me save 2 hours and a half. Time has become precious.

These days, I'm usually waking up around 5h30 in the morning (though my alarm is set at 6). I manage emails received overnight, water all the plants (I really have many, and since weather is so warm where I live, this takes some time), tidy up a bit the house and by 6 I'm back in bed with breakfast for myself and Husband. 30 minutes and we get up, we get ready and by 6.50 I'm in the gym. by 7h40 I'm back but I cannot seem to manage showering, untangling my hair and getting ready in less than 40 minutes (Lord knows I tried). This mean I'm not at work before 8h45, and then.... it's work until 8h30 PM these days, run home, eat a bite, manage some more work emails and go to bed.

It would be okay honestly, except that I'm spending also 5 to 10 hours working in weekends. Weekends are spent working, at the gym, sleeping, cleaning the hamster tank and fixing food, eating and drinking.

Luckily, busy season will relent in a month or so.

Weight wise, I usually lose 2.5kg from Monday morning to Friday morning (c.5.5lbs) and gain back most of it over the weekend

1 comment:

Bathwater said...

It doesn't sound like things are okay. The fact you are posting it indicates to me you are questioning it. The end goal in life should never be "I was good at my job" unless you are Elon Musk and want to live for nothing else. I don't think that is you.

Not that I have any answers, but what you are doing will burn you out and leave you unhappy. I would not want to see that be you.