13 June 2022


 Last Thursday evening, there was the leaving party of one of my work lieutenants, and as you can imagine I drank a bit too much - not awfully so, but wine was not top quality and thanks to my allergies I woke up in the morning to find some bumps on my face (that luckily disappeared well before noon).

On Friday evening, there was Husband's work summer party. I almost bailed, as I was really tired, but then, it was really close to my office so at 7h30PM I signed off and decided to stop by to say hi to a few friends. And luckily I did...

... because it was actually a surprise birthday party for me!

(yes, truly yours is turning 40 this week)

I always wanted a surprise birthday party.. and never had one before! Husband pulled together a surprising number of people (supported by Matt, my work best friend) and I was truly moved by the fact that some actually drove from far to attend, especially on a very warm Friday night.

In short.. it was awesome, and I really felt loved!

Coming soon on "Waiting for the Miracle": my 16yo nephew temporarily moved in with us as today he's starting his summer internship!


Bathwater said...

Happy birthday! Good thing you didn't bail on your own party!

Lucy's Shadow said...

Thank you!
Indeed, that would have been an epic fail!

Anonymous said...

Love it!! I would feel loved too. I had a surprise birthday once!! It made me very happy. 😃

Happy Birthday! 40th! Life begins at 40 so they say. My irl friend with the vices has his birthday 13th June . I wouldnt change him though. You can't beat a Gemini for good conversation & fun times x

So what did your husband buy you for your birthday??

Last birthday I think we just went out for my birthday as a present to a good restaurant. If someone asked me, I'd ask for a small terrace water feature.
Shelby XOXO