30 January 2014

get comfortablewith being uncomfortable

On the morning of the wedding, I was chatting with my hairdresser. (who at 50, has the hottest body in town).
We were talking about girls who like, 1 month before the wedding, decide to grow their hair. HAHAHAHA
and then she said
"It's like chicks who start dieting in June in order to get a bikini body for July".

This is so true.
That's why I started the 30days shred again, last Sunday (that and yeah, I look like an overweight hippo)

But I can'ìt stop loving Jillian Michaels when she creams "You should feel you abs on FIRE!!!!!"


Aye Ell said...

I know what you mean! I was at the gym the other day and said something to a friend about how "bikini season is right around the corner!" and she was like "Uh, it's January..."

Yeah, and it'll be here before we know it.

Peridot (G+P) said...

Dying of laughter over here. That is so fucking true!

My shoulder is almost well enough for extended tablet-use again. Tattoo for East Egg soon <3


Peridot (G+P) said...

"are you gonna knot something in two items? wink wink"

I'm confused >.< I hope I'm missing something dirty which will get explained ^.^