"But I do try, every single day, Mom, you know? I wake uop and promise myself today I'm changing things, today I'm sticking to salad, and then by noon I've already eaten so many calories it's uselss to stop"
That was me yesterday. Weekend was full of food, and I trained way less than I was supposed to last week. Also, I've been away for work, and living in hotels eating all the time at restaurants with colleagues don't help. I hate the woman I'm working with. She hates me. This is kinda stressful.
Anyway, S is away the whole week, and my Mom has prepared me a whole pot of cabbage soup for the week.. I guess it's time to take the hint right?
That was me yesterday. Weekend was full of food, and I trained way less than I was supposed to last week. Also, I've been away for work, and living in hotels eating all the time at restaurants with colleagues don't help. I hate the woman I'm working with. She hates me. This is kinda stressful.
Anyway, S is away the whole week, and my Mom has prepared me a whole pot of cabbage soup for the week.. I guess it's time to take the hint right?
Try little steps at a time, small changes are easier to implement for long-term change than trying to make a massive jump and stumbling back.
Remember to never underestimate the power of a baby step. When you put enough of them together, you can get around the world!
Love you <3
LONG overdue comment replies:
Thank you so much for the anti-snoring ideas! I'm going to look into them. Miles' problem seems to mainly be over-production of snot *gags*
I've been seriously considering going on the pill or getting a hysterectomy. I'd rather the hysterectomy, because there won't be as many weird drug interactions and associated weight gain, etc. Ugh, will see what the doc says :/ I'm so looking up that nexplanon-thing. Thank you for the tip!
Love you so much *huggles*
Is the cabbage soup the horrible diet in which you only have this soup for a whole week? I did that 3 years ago and I fainted by the 5th day hahaha! But it does work! I'm doing fruit for a week.
Argh cabbage soup that sounds not very fun.
Anyway, hello lovely. So glad you're still around <3
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