Hey lovelies,
the dear bunny Borotalco turned out to be a she-bunny... So now she lives at my parents' place, where she has access to the garden at day time and a big beautiful cage at night (we have foxes roaming at night, so she has to be locked up).
It seems that she is starting to recover from her anxiety, and Bro's kids have been warned that she need to be treated extremely gently.
So that's the good news!
Weight-wise there is no news to speak of, Mom told me last Sunday "Do NOT eat biscuits! What are you, dumb?" Okay, thank-you mom, I got the message right and clear.
Last Friday night I got so annihilated at a party that I practically bit off the neck of a friend (co-worker) in front of half of the office. The funny thing is most of people were so wasted on alcohol that nobody remembers (the exceptions, including me, were annihilated on cocaine, and won't talk about that night).
Then I forgot to drink water when I got home, and didn't drink water for over 20 hours. Combine that with the 30 degrees we're having days and night, and yes, I got sever dehydration. Woke up in the morning, got a bottle of water, and after the first gulp I started puking my brains everywhere in the house. Nooooooot classy, I know.
Proceeded puking at every gulp of water, until the little brains I had left suggested I had ice-cream in the fridge, which proved to be the solution.
I know, I am a total mess.
(once again, there is a good thing: S was snoring all the morning, so he didn't get to see me lying naked on the bathroom floor with vomit tangles in my hair. when he woke up, I was still shaking, but both bathroom and I were cleaned up)
the dear bunny Borotalco turned out to be a she-bunny... So now she lives at my parents' place, where she has access to the garden at day time and a big beautiful cage at night (we have foxes roaming at night, so she has to be locked up).
It seems that she is starting to recover from her anxiety, and Bro's kids have been warned that she need to be treated extremely gently.
So that's the good news!
Weight-wise there is no news to speak of, Mom told me last Sunday "Do NOT eat biscuits! What are you, dumb?" Okay, thank-you mom, I got the message right and clear.
Last Friday night I got so annihilated at a party that I practically bit off the neck of a friend (co-worker) in front of half of the office. The funny thing is most of people were so wasted on alcohol that nobody remembers (the exceptions, including me, were annihilated on cocaine, and won't talk about that night).
Then I forgot to drink water when I got home, and didn't drink water for over 20 hours. Combine that with the 30 degrees we're having days and night, and yes, I got sever dehydration. Woke up in the morning, got a bottle of water, and after the first gulp I started puking my brains everywhere in the house. Nooooooot classy, I know.
Proceeded puking at every gulp of water, until the little brains I had left suggested I had ice-cream in the fridge, which proved to be the solution.
I know, I am a total mess.
(once again, there is a good thing: S was snoring all the morning, so he didn't get to see me lying naked on the bathroom floor with vomit tangles in my hair. when he woke up, I was still shaking, but both bathroom and I were cleaned up)
Yay bunny! I'm so glad she's perking up a bit. Hopefully the grass and sunshine tempts her out more :D
Yikes. Ouch. Just ouch. Your Mum AND the party aftermath. Eep!
Sometimes the best thing to rehydrate with is something a little closer to blood's density than pure water. (Why there's so much salt in "sports drinks")
Definitely Skins-Party-Aftermath. Lol, when you party you party HARD.
Thank you for the amazing words. Take care of yourself. Love you so much <3
Ma Lucyyyyy cosa stai combinando??? O_O Non che io sia scandalizzata, ma che non ti faccia bene questo è certo! Droga, alcool, vomito tra i capelli! Accade spesso? Spiegherebbe la tua necessità di mangiare schifezze e il non riuscire a dimagrire...Lucy, sai che ti voglio bene e non mi piace vederti in queste situazioni che mettono in ombra la tua bellezza! U_U
Sono felice che tu abbia pensato al benessere della coniglietta e che abbia avuto la grande sensibilità di non tenerla in gabbia per una vita, sensibilità che molti non hanno. Questo dimostra una bellezza interiore infinita, che non va rovinata con una vita poco sana e un maltrattamento dell'amore che si ha per se stessi, per la propria interiorità. Lucy, tu sei speciale, per favore prenditi per mano e combatti per le cose che vuoi. Smetti di bere se davvero ci tieni a perdere peso e se invece non ci tieni, non ti lamentare! Non lo dico con cattiveria, ma con realismo verso il fattore causa-effetto. So bene che tu possa essere stressata dal lavoro e dalla vita frenetica che probabilmente conduci, ma lo stress va combattuto con uno stile di vita sano, non dimenticandosi di noi sotto l'effetto dell'alcool. Sappi che ti voglio un bene infinito...♥
*Ti tengo stretta*
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