29 March 2021


 At the highest weight ever, tired like hell, overworked, overworked, overworked.

I'll try some fasting, maybe it could be doable considering Husband will be away for work for a few days.

I really really really want to go on vacation. I want to be back in Greece, one week on the beach by ourselves, just walking early in the morning, laying in sun all day, swimming a bit now and then, eating tomatoes, reading and sleeping.

Also, spring allergies are kicking in, and I can't even describe the stares I got this morning while sneezing on the tube (with a mask of course)


Bathwater said...

I hope work is not stressing you and causing you to eat. I know the stress of having Firefly around causes me to eat. If you do go on vacation you can read my book. :)

Anonymous said...

Bella posted!!!

Lucy's Shadow said...
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Anonymous said...

Where have you been! ��