24 August 2020


 The last hot day was probably yesterday and that was good. Spring was written off with lockdown, summer was hectic and I'm ready to move on.

Back from a nice, short and too expensive vacation, lingering.

I have an incredible pipeline of projects at work, and this year I'm likely to sell just as much as any equity partner... if I stay.

I can't resign before end of September in any case, or I'd lose €95,000 of bonus.

I have a tentative offer from a project I'm working on, that would become reality towards the end of the year.

I'm also waiting a couple more weeks before having breakfast with the CEO of my dream job - I'm waiting because... I do hope maybe I won't get my period this time? If I do, I'll go and ask for the dream job.

I also need to restrict badly. My back aches horribly.


Bathwater said...

Sounds like exciting things are happening.

Anonymous said...

wow...interesting times

Jeune et jolie said...

I’m so excited for you! That bonus looks yummy af! Look at you being a superwoman, thanks for inspiring me.