23 November 2012

ramblings of an over-worked, over-wight bitch

Work's overwhelming
I have a temperature, probably 'cause I took the flu vaccine yesterday
It always happens to me
I can't spell for fuck's sake today, not in Italian nor in English. (I never could spell in French, so taht doesn't count)

I'm supposed to take full care of one project at a time
I'm on two, and tonight at 20 the dataroom of a third is opening. Yes, firday night. It's because of American Thanksgiving I'm told. Well, fuck it, I'm sorry but should I be thankful for a full weekend of unpaid extra work? because the fuckers didn't manage to open it by wednesday? Fuck them all

Let the skyfall
oh no wait don't
I'm too fat to die, I need to be skinny first, so then I can stay skinny forever


Thana said...

"Let the skyfall
oh no wait don't
I'm too fat to die, I need to be skinny first, so then I can stay skinny forever"

Magnifica, me la dovrei incidere sul petto questa frase! *-*

Mi dispiace tanto che lavori troppo e stai poco bene...ma ti ami? Amati tanto e amati bene, solo così tutto quel peso che ti da la vita lo porterai con il sorriso...io sono con te. ♥

*Ti abbraccio forte forte*

Peridot (G+P) said...

Fuck I've never had the flu shot. I should get it next year, since it's free from work. (And I work with food/general public) Reduce the spread of plague! Thank you for reminding me to be a responsible citizen <3

I hope your temperature goes down again quick smart. Ugh for low-grade fevers!

Rofl, I can't spell either. The spellchecker on Word has made me so lazy! So long as the right letters are there I don't care if they're in order any more >.<

Ugh FUCK THAT SHIT. If they ask you to do it again for no pay, tell them to go fuck themselves. NOPE. DO NOT WANT.

If the sky falls we can catch stars and use them to fly away.

Look after yourself, ok? Love you so much Lucy <3