08 November 2012


Next summer will ROCK.

I'm probably going here

And I'm going to be THIS skinny

So, everything will be perfect

(oh, and Mom? last night when I told you I'm not going to have kids, I wasn't lying. Sorry!)


Unknown said...

Sounds like a great plan!


Matilda Bonnet said...

OMG! What's the name of that place???

Lucy's Shadow said...

Falasarna, it's in western Crete. For europeans, it's extremly inexpensive (cheap place AND cheap flights). it's almost unknown!
Oh, and Emily, can I have access to your blog please?

Peridot (G+P) said...

That place looks GLORIOUS!

I can't go swimming this summer unless I put boardshorts on over my togs. Too many new scars *sigh*

You are going to look GORGEOUS!