24 April 2017


Animals are not that different from us.
It took me so many years to realize something so obvious.
We are running together and he is so my Alpha male, I can totally be his she wolf.
We've been running for 20km side by side and there are 4 more to go. I hurt. My hip hurts inside, my inner tights suffer from chafing and all I feel is the joy of running under the spring sun with my male
And for the first time I understand animals hurt like us when running but also they enjoy the sensations. And we can do the same

13 April 2017

Back to the future

I'm back to working in financial consulting.
More precisely, the firm I joined is the same one where I worked between 2004 and 2005, right after university.

Everyone is so young and skinny... It's both depressing and motivating you know?

Some of the young girls look up at me, professionally speaking. I look up at them, they have skinny legs to die for.

And the guys.... Well let's keep that for the next post. Which will come soon because I'm back to the old me.