01 March 2022

I hate the way you lie

 Two things I'm so tired of.

Watching Husband that keeps smoking and smoking and the daily drinking. Even worse, knowing how, each time I'm not there, he'll completely drop limits and get wasted.

(by the way, who the hell still smokes in 2022???)

The times he start mansplaining things or even worse tells me I know shit and dismisses what I'm talking about.

This morning I'm so pissed off I may even restrict eating for a while.

But you'll always be my hero, even thought you've lost your mind (...)

..in this tug of war you'll always win, even when I'm right

I miss Eminem


Bathwater said...

I must admit, I am still vaping but I think it is a cleaner alternative to smoking which I never did. I believe with the successful career you have that you know some things :).

Anonymous said...

Definately still know a few smokers. Can he switch to vaping?
Usually i dont comment on anyone's vices. It doesn't usually do anything but degrade the relationship.