15 February 2022

Halftime show

 I'm pretty much ashamed of my chain of thoughts:

1- wow, Mary J Blige has got as fat as I have

2- and she is sporting an incredible outfit - it would also look good if she was 45lbs lighter

3- look at 50 cents, he still looks exactly the same after all those years - his arms are huuuuge!

4- why is Eminem crouching?= ah yes, the platform's going down, he probably feels sick (I am really sorry - only later I read the comments and understood the meaning behind the pose)

5- even the dancers behind Mary J are fat - this is really becoming inclusive and it's probably a good thing

In any case, friends, please all hail the miracles that NFL and American TV put together - European sports are a plain bore with no entertainment at all and the amount of effort and planning behind the SuperBowl shows is really incredible (although my favorite ever remains the one with Lady Gaga - who by the way is still skinny)


Bathwater said...

lol, I am not sure how to comment on this one. I did not watch the Superbowl. I may check out the halftime show on Youtube if I have the time. I will say, I think inclusive becomes exclusive when someone doesn't fit the image the mainstream wants to portray.

We get fed too much information. Not all of it is good or correct.

Anonymous said...

I just don't care about hollywood or celebs. Reading on blogger gives me real insight into real people's lives & increases my love for humanity xoxoxo shelby