20 July 2020


Keith got married last weekend (finally, considering he's turning 44 next week).
I would have thought this would finally make everyone at peace with the fact that we never ended together, but apparently his parents never really stopped hoping (quite weird considering how everyone seems to believe I have the most rock solid marriage).

Year ago I probably would have spent hours agonizing over the "things could have been different". Now I believe that I have reached a sufficient mindfulness/inner peace not to fret over what could or could not have happened differently.

Good luck Keith - I am sorry we lost touch, but we've been living in different countries for 8 years and this kind of shit happens. I still care for you, and I truly wish you all the best.
I never fell for the super nice or truly good guys, but that is what you've always been and I always did give you credit for that, even when I was an idiotic teenager.


Bathwater said...

I am no expert at letting go but that is the best thing to do. We cannot change the past, we cannot control the future, we only can live in the moment. Try to do either of the other two only makes us suffer.

Anonymous said...

he wasn't the right person for you and that's the end of the story. you can't put there what isn't there. i dated a guy in university who was exactly, exactly what my parents would have wanted for me. but i couldn't get interested. on paper it would have been a perfect match. i still think so. he was a good guy, but i married another good guy, just a slightly different flavour. the other guy was heavily into buying designer label clothes and living in the "right," areas and eating at the "right" restaurants, as in, he wouldn't ever be relaxed outside that paradigm, and that's not a life i think i want to live permanently.